Tech Africa - How Tech Herfica is Developing Rural Women’s Skillset in Africa

Tech in Africa has seen remarkable growth, characterized by the rapid expansion of mobile connectivity, internet access, and the emergence of tech startups. Despite these advancements, a significant digital divide persists, particularly impacting rural populations and women. Urban areas reap the benefits of technological innovations and digital services, while many rural communities still struggle with limited access to the internet, digital tools, and the necessary skills to utilize them.

Rural women in Africa encounter numerous barriers to digital inclusion. These obstacles include the high cost of devices, lack of affordable and reliable internet services, cultural norms restricting women’s access to technology, and insufficient digital and financial literacy. This exclusion hinders their ability to participate in and benefit from the digital economy, perpetuating cycles of poverty and limiting economic opportunities.

Tech Herfrica: Championing Digital Inclusion

Tech Herfrica, a nonprofit organization, is dedicated to bridging this digital divide by empowering African women and girls in rural areas with the skills and tools needed to thrive in the digital age. The organization focuses on enhancing digital, financial, and entrepreneurial skills among women in rural and underserved communities through a range of initiatives.
Key Initiatives and Programs

Digital Literacy for All: In collaboration with Faslearn Africa and the African Leadership Foundation, Tech Herfrica offers digital literacy training to pupils in public schools across underserved African communities. This program equips learners with essential digital skills for future opportunities.

EquipHer4Growth: This initiative provides digital financial literacy training in local languages for female farmers and traders. It includes distributing mobile devices to help them access market information, financial services, and a broader customer base.

ScaleHer: This a comprehensive empowerment initiative dedicated to unlocking the potential of young girls between the ages of 16 and 25 in rural and underserved communities in Africa. By integrating digital technology and financial inclusion, this programme facilitates the expansion of their business ideas and acquired skills, enabling them to establish sustainable businesses and improve their livelihoods. Tailored specifically for young girls with a passion for entrepreneurship, ScaleHer builds on young girls who possess vocational skills, equipping them with business-building knowledge, digital tools, digital and financial literacy, and access to business start-up capital, enabling them to succeed in their chosen ventures. This initiative introduces young girls to innovative digital platforms, tools, and skills, such as online marketing, e-commerce, and digital financial services, to enhance their business operations and reach. Additionally, they receive training and mentorship in business planning, marketing, and management, equipping them to turn their skills into successful businesses.

HerLocal Market: An e-commerce platform created in partnership with Orbeets Digi-Tech Solution, connecting rural female sellers and women farmers with local and international buyers. This initiative aims to boost their sales and reduce food waste by reaching broader markets.

One Woman Saver: In partnership with Sterling Bank, this program offers incentives like a 6% interest rate on savings and access to business loans for rural women, encouraging them to cultivate a continuous saving habit.

Tech Herfrica’s efforts have significantly impacted the lives of many women across Africa. Over 4,000 rural women and girls have experienced improved digital and financial literacy through Tech Herfrica’s training programs in local languages. Additionally, more than 400 smartphones have been distributed, enhancing connectivity and access to digital resources for rural women and girls engaged in agriculture and trade. Also, many of these women have been able to increase their income by at least 50% and have accessed financial services to grow their businesses. In addition, millions of naira have been facilitated in trade for rural women farmers and trade through

Tech Herfrica’s approach is unique and innovative for several reasons:

  1. Localized Approach to Training and Literacy: Training methods are tailored to local languages and contexts, helping women overcome literacy barriers using voice features on their phones. Engagement with each community in a community-led manner ensures support from relevant stakeholders.
  2. Integration of Digital Technology for Financial Inclusion: The design encompasses the fundamental aspects of financial inclusion. Women learn essential accounting skills, how to save, and access financial services, empowering them with sustainable economic capabilities.
  3. E-commerce Integration: Through a chat-based e-commerce platform, Tech Herfrica onboards female farmers and traders, enabling them to expand their customer base and enhance their income, thereby capitalizing on the digital economy.
  4. Sustainability Strategy: Facilitating access to electronic and social commerce platforms enables women to sell their products at fair prices, increasing their income and sustaining positive behavioral changes. The cluster-based approach fosters continuous learning within communities, as each woman commits to training five more women, creating a ripple effect of impact.
  5. Social Norms Training and Male Involvement: Recognizing the role of social norms in digital exclusion, Tech Herfrica involves men in program design and implementation, fostering greater acceptance and success.
    Digitization of Literacy Courses: Complementing physical training, online digital and financial literacy courses in local languages are pre-installed on women’s devices for offline viewing, ensuring ongoing learning and reinforcement.
  6. Team Expertise: Tech Herfrica’s team comprises experts in project management, program design, monitoring and evaluation, curriculum development, risk management, financial planning, and communications, with combined experience spanning over five decades across diverse sectors.
Recognition and Awards

Tech Herfrica’s innovative approach to women’s empowerment has earned it several accolades:

The digital divide in Africa, especially affecting rural women, poses a significant challenge to inclusive economic growth. Organizations like Tech Herfrica are at the forefront of addressing this issue, empowering women with the skills and tools they need to participate in the digital economy. Through its comprehensive initiatives, Tech Herfrica is making significant strides in bridging the gap, fostering economic growth, and promoting digital inclusion for women across Africa.

For more detailed information about Tech Herfrica and its initiatives, visit their official website via

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