Whistle Blowing Framework
Issued 9 March 2023

The Guidelines on Corporate Governance as well as the Code of Ethics and Conduct requires directors, officers, and employees to observe high standards of business and personal ethics in the conduct.

As employees and representatives of Tech Herfrica, honesty, and integrity in fulfilling our responsibilities and compliance with all applicable laws and regulations is expected.

Therefore, the following general principles shall be adhered to with respect to reporting actual or perceived violations:

  1. It is the responsibility of all directors, officers, and employees to comply with the Code of Ethics, Corporate Governance Guidelines as well as other rules, regulations, and laws governing Tech Herfrica.
  2. Directors, officials, employees, or anyone who has information on an actual or perceived violation is expected to report such violations in accordance with the stipulations herein contained.
  3. All reports made by either directors, staff, consultants or external parties,  must be in writing and addressed to the Company Secretary/Legal Adviser
  4. The Company Secretary/ Legal Adviser must forward all reports to the Board Audit Committee within 48 hours of receipt of such report
  5. Reports can be made anonymously except when identity disclosure is required by Tech Herfrica or desired by the person making the report
  6. Where identity is revealed,the Legal Adviser will notify the sender and acknowledge receipt of the report within five business days.
  7. All reports shall be promptly investigated and appropriate corrective action is taken if required by the investigation.
  8. Reports must contain all necessary details to aid an effective investigation.
  9. No director, officer or employee who in good faith reports a violation shall suffer harassment, retaliation or adverse employment consequences.
  10. An employee, officer or director of Tech Herfrica who retaliates against someone who has reported a violation in good faith is subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
  11. This Whistleblower Framework is intended to encourage and enable employees and others stakeholders to resolve concerns within Tech Herfrica before seeking external resolution.
  12. Tech Herfica shall appoint a Compliance Officer(s) who shall ensure that all departments and functions within Tech Herfrica act within the ambits of internal policies and other external rules and laws which are binding to the scope of operations of Tech Herfrica.
  13. The Compliance Officer shall report all actual or perceived violations to the Company Secretary/Legal Adviser who shall treat such reports in line with the provisions of this Framework.
  14. The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors shall in addition to addressing all reports, address all reported concerns or complaints regarding corporate accounting practices, internal controls, or auditing.
  15. The Audit Committee shall bring its findings and recommendations to the Board for a decision on the way forward.
  16. Anyone filing a complaint concerning a violation or suspected violation of the Code of conduct or any other extant rules must be acting in good faith and have reasonable grounds for believing that the information disclosed indicates a violation of the Code.
  17. Any false allegation made maliciously will be treated as a serious disciplinary offense.

Transparency and Accountability remains a strong core value for Tech Herfrica and its Board, Management and staff must imbibe these values.

Individuals are hereby encouraged to report actual or perceived violations.

Questions regarding this policy can be emailed to info@techherfrica.org
Reports can be forwarded to legal@techherfrica.org.

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